Weight Loss After 40 Can Happen

Thanks to the natural hormonal changes that takes place in our bodies at about the age of 40, it seems no matter how much we exercise, no matter how many delicious desserts we say "No thank you" to, the needle on the scale slowly continues to creep upwards. Weight gain after 40 for most of us happens naturally. Weight loss after 40 for most of us is a nightmare. Weight loss after 40 for women can be particularly tricky.
But it doesn't have to be. Here are some simple steps to stop weight gain and help lean you out no matter what your age.
First if you've noticed your weight slowly creeping up, the first thing I would do is get a full check up. Surprising as it may be, thyroid problems strike one out of five adults after the age of 40. So make sure there isn't an underlying medical reason causing your weight gain.
Second you may have noticed your biorhythms seem to have changed. Maybe you used to be an early riser but now you find yourself sleeping in. Maybe you used to stay up until the early morning hours but now you find yourself tired at about 10PM. Accept and adjust to your new biorhythms. As we get older it takes our bodies a bit long to recover from activity, everyday life is no different. So if your body is now telling you to go to bed at 10PM, go to bed sleep well and see how much better you feel in the morning.
Third face the facts that even though you may still be very active, your metabolism is still naturally slowing down, which means you do need to adjust your diet. If you lived on bacon cheese burgers and chili-cheese fries during your earlier years, you need to make some adjustments. A better nourished body also recovers from fitness events and daily activates much faster. As we age it become more important than ever that we begin to eat high quality foods in smaller amounts. The rule of 5 to 6 small meals a day every 3 hours will make a tremendous difference on your metabolism.
The timing of your meals becomes more important as we age as well. Most experts agree that eating within two hours before bed will usually cause weight gain. If you are absolutely starving before bed, eat something light and under 100 calories; an apple for example. Better yet, try to time you meals so that you won't get hungry before bed.
Feeling and looking fantastic after 40 does happen. Old School New Body is the program to show you how. Taking you step by step through weight loss after 40 so you look and feel fantastic at any age.

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