Does Coffee Make You Gain Weight?

Does Coffee make you gain weight? This is a question that's on the mind of a lot of people. Many of us like to drink coffee. Many drink multiple cups each day. If you too like to drink coffee you need to know how to do it right so it doesn't make you fat. This article will reveal exactly how this can be done.
Coffee is not a high calorie beverage, as long as we're talking about the plain and basic form. Black coffee contains less than 8 calories, for the most part, hardly the amount you ever need to worry about. If this is the kind of coffee you like to drink, it will not make you put on weight.
However, many people don't drink plain coffee anymore. They like to drink coffee based beverages which have many additional ingredients. It is in these ingredients that all the calories are hiding.
For example, cream can add over 50 calories to your coffee, over 5 times the calorie content of the actual coffee itself. Milk, sugar, and other sweeteners also add calories.
Some of the more "modern" coffee drinks contain hundreds of calories and a lot of sugar and fat. For instance, a Caramel Macchiato at Starbucks contains 240 calories, a Medium Iced Cappucino with Chocolate milk at Tony Horton's has 230, and a Medium Berry White Mocha at Caribou Coffee has more than 600!
As you can see, coffee comes in many shapes and forms which vary widely in the amount of calories, sugar, and fat that they contain. The higher calories coffee drinks can indeed make you gain weight. They simply contain too many calories and they're a sure way to create a calorie surplus which leads to weight gain.
What can you do to still drink coffee and not gain weight?
1. Choosing the right kind of coffee is key - Don't go for the high calorie drinks. Choose a more plain coffee. The less things are put into the coffee the lower in calories it will be.
2. Don't always choose large cups. The bigger the cup, the more calories you will consume. The difference can be quite big, so stick to small and medium sized cups.
The bottom line is that coffee should be a low calorie drink. However, the stuff that is added to it can often turn it into something else entirely. I recommend drinking the most simple types of coffee you can find.
To learn of the calories in various coffees visit How Many Calories In Coffee
To learn more about how coffee affects your body visit Does Coffee Make You Fat?
John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life. He now runs a weight loss forum and publishes a diet and fitness newsletter.

The Best Exercise For Losing Weight

Both, scientific research and my extensive observation and study prove beyond any doubt that the best kind of exercises, which consistently makes people lose weight faster and more effectively, combines a simultaneous intensive cardio work-out and intensive resistance training which involves a large group of different body parts. This kind of combination of physical activities causes that essential all-encompassing stress on a body that makes your metabolism skyrocket not only during the time you work out but for hours or even for days later.
Although all forms of exercise contribute to increased metabolism and burning fat, the most common exercise - light jogging and lifting weights - are the most ineffective ways of losing weight because they are lacking the above essential elements of an effective weight loss work-out: they are lacking the "all encompassing intensity" - the activity that will put physical stress on different parts of the body simultaneously. Light jogging at a comfortable speed doesn't put serious stress on any part of human body. Simple weight lifting may put great stress but only on one set of muscles, and thus - the essential "all encompassing" part of the work-out is compromised.
One, incredibly effective exercise for weight loss that proves to bring amazing results over and over is climbing stairs. And by "stairs" I surely don't mean that little machine that moves underneath your feet at a gym; I am talking about real stairs - a long set of stairs and much preferably outdoor stairs. Climbing / running upstairs is a great exercise because it is both a very intense cardio work-out and it also engages several of your major muscle groups - legs, lower back and upper back.
If you want to lose weight and you are serious about achieving your goal, I suggest that you explore your locality, drive around and find a hill or some kind of elevated landmark which has a stair access. The longer the set of stairs is the better.
A 20-minute intense stair skipping in the morning before work / school that can be done in sets of five minutes with 1-2 minutes rest will jump start your metabolism and will raise it to levels that very few other exercises can. As you get in a better shape, you can challenge yourself in all kinds of ways by using that same set of stairs. You got try reaching the top faster, or making your breaks between the sets shorter, or you could make it hard to go up by carrying a backpack or a set of dumbbells in your hands as you go up which will engage yet another group of your muscles and will make your work-out even more intense.
There are two huge advantages to this exercise:
First, it's much more fun to go up the stairs in a nice area outdoors, enjoy fresh air, and see all the different things around you than being stuck at a stuffy gym and pumping steel or stairs while standing in one place and impatiently waiting until it's time to go. And if you enjoy your work out more, you are likely to do it for longer and thus achieve better results.
Secondly, it's hard to find a more intense exercise that would combine both - muscle work and cardio work and that will be as effective when it comes to raising metabolism and burning fat as climing stairs.
So, go - drive around and find one or more stair routes and start using them tomorrow to your great benefit and let me know how it goes!
Arkady Itkin
Weight Loss Advice that Makes a Difference!

Best Cardio Workout For Weight Loss

Cardiovascular (or aerobic) exercises have been scientifically proven to be the best exercises for weight loss. Cardio exercises involve raising your heart rate to a moderate level and keeping it elevated for an extended period of time. In other words you're exercising at a steady pace for over 20 minutes. By doing this your body is burning fat as its primary source of energy. To answer the question of which cardio exercise is best for weight loss... whatever you enjoy doing the most!
There are many types of exercises that fall into the category of being cardiovascular. The most common are power walking, jogging, swimming and cycling. They are all effective in being able to raise your heart rate to the fat burning zone, and keeping it there for an extended period of time. You can find your fat burning zone by using your age and a simple formula. The heart rate fat burning zone is between 60-70% of your maximal heart rate. Your maximal heart rate is 220-your age. So for a 55-year-old, the max heart rate is 220-55 which is 165. Then to find the fat burning zone find 60-70% which is 99 to 115.
My advice would be to try each of the exercises and see which your most enjoy and which one gives you the best results. But don't just try it once and give up. Give each exercise a good 3 weeks so your get a good idea of whats really involved and how benefit you will get. Remember that to lose weight you must exercise for at least 3 days a week, if not more.
It is always a good idea to add variety to your workouts. This helps prevent your body reaching a plateau when it comes to weight gain. It will also keep you interested and motivated and help keep you on track. There are a few ways to mix up your workouts. Firstly you can change the exercise altogether. For example if you have been running for a few months go swimming for a week.
Another way to mix up your weight loss workouts is to add resistance exercises to the routine. This can be easily done without any equipment. During you run stop every 5 minutes and do a set of sit-ups or push-ups, then after another 5 minutes stop and do some squats and lunges and so on. This will help you boost your weight loss and at the same time help tone and strengthen your muscles.
My name is Susan, I have recently discovered a fast way to lose weight [] and would like to share my story with you. For more best cardio workouts [] and fat loss tips and strategies please visit my blog at

Benefits Of Black Pepper On Weight Loss

How fascinating is this latest news on the benefits of black pepper? The very same thing in black pepper which has you sneezing may also be responsible for keeping the pounds off, because of its ability to fight fat cells according to a new study.
The substance, known as piperine, is a major part of black peppers and appears able to block the growth of fat cells. Should future work confirm these findings, black pepper might be an effective, and natural, alternative to help you lose weight. Or a natural, side effect free treatment for obesity.
The work draws attention to earlier research suggesting piperine supplies some health benefits, not the least of which is the part it plays in reducing the levels of fats in the blood stream.
Black pepper has been highly regarded for centuries both for its flavor and medicinal qualities, the benefits well known to Eastern medicine. It is given to treat diarrhea and gastrointestinal distress as well as many other disorders. No one really knows how it works and this is the answer the team set out to do. They examined the effects of natural piperine on genes using computer models and experiments in the lab.
They saw that piperine effected the gene activity that's responsible for the growth of new fat cells. It's also likely that black pepper also sets up a sort of metabolic chain reaction that keeps fat formation to the minimum in other ways too. Could it be time to ditch the salt, and think about adding more pepper to your foods and recipes? Maybe.
In the last few years science has learned that fat cells aren't inert storage compartments but chemical factories that are pretty potent. These cells excrete hormones and other things with abandon, bringing some harmful effects to your metabolism, overall health and weight.
What's worse, where this fat is located on your body makes a difference - fat around the abdomen is considered more dangerous than fat more evenly distributed.
Curious that fat seems to have an infinite capacity to make more of itself. Lean adults naturally have about 40 billion fat cells, while an obese adult will have from 80 to 120 million. If you're obese, the fat cells in your body are also much larger than those in a lean person. All fat cells are long lived and can be replaced by the body at any time. Keep eating too much, exercising too little and the cells keep growing. When they finally reach their limit, they send out signals to immature fat cells in the area to start dividing to create more cells.
You can fight fat with diet and exercise. The good news is that losing just 7% of your total body weight is enough to make a difference. Fat cells respond fairly quickly to sustained efforts at burning more calories than you take in, though this approach is far from easy, and many people can't stick with it long enough to see results. Still, by taking advantage of the benefits of black pepper and adding it to your diet you may be able to fight fat more effectively.
FREE Bonus Secret Health Reports - For a limited time you can grab 5 FREE essential health reports from the Daily Health Bulletin. Click through now to discover more on foods that fight fat that can have similar benefits of black pepper on weight loss.

Lose Your Excess Pounds Successfully

The majority of individuals see weight loss as an ongoing battle. Eating right and working out helps, but it is important to be educated on the process of weight loss as well. The article below sheds light on what you need to know to meet your fitness and weight loss goals.
Allow yourself time in the morning to eat breakfast. Make sure to refrain from eating pastries for breakfast. However, these pastries are terrible for you. Make the time to have some fruit and oatmeal at home, and you won't have to stop for junk food.
Work on eating meals at about the same hour each day. This way, you can know exactly when you will eat, so you will be less likely to give into temptation and snack before a meal. Get snacks on a schedule as well. By having this schedule and getting your body used to it will decrease the risk of eating too much.
Getting the proper amount of sleep is also essential in weight loss. Being healthy mentally can improve your physical health. Therefore, you should ensure you get around seven to eight hours of sleep each night. If you are getting less than this it might make you overweight. For instance, people who are depressed usually sleep more and tend to be overweight.
When you have food cravings, suck an ice cube - this is an excellent way to prevent you from piling on the pounds. Sucking on some ice can be very effective in dispelling the urge to eat because sometimes it just boils down to having something in your mouth.
Losing weight isn't that difficult, when you really think about it. Effective weight loss requires you to consider the process a journey, in which every bit of progress is part of a much larger experience. Keep the goal of burning calories in mind, and increase your every day activities to increase that process. Staying active - in little ways as well as the big - is the best way to reach your weight loss goals
In order to still eat your favorite foods and lose weight, look for and eat the lower calorie or lower fat versions. Some individuals give up on their diet, feeling too hungry and wanting specific foods. If you eat lower calorie renditions of your favorite foods, you'll still enjoy them but without the guilt.
If you smoke, you may want to gradually quit your habit and not quit cold turkey. Don't quit them both at the same time. For many, smoking is such an ingrained habit that if they stop smoking, they may overeat instead. Quitting smoking may cause you to gain weight, which could undermine your diet.
Whenever possible, try wearing comfortable clothing instead of tight restrictive clothing. It is easier to feel like walking when walking is easy to do. If your job allows for casual clothing, this is great for you.
A great way to stay on top of the latest fitness trends is by bookmarking quality websites about fitness and weight loss. If you think you are slipping, look at some advice online to stay motivated. If you can build a connection with a weight-loss or fitness role model, you will be far more compelled to meet your goals.
Tighten your back muscles and stomach when you eat at restaurants, holding it as long as you can. If you notice they are relaxed, tighten them up again. Not only will this improve your posture, it will help tone the muscles you use to stand up straight - including your bottom!
If you have reached a stalemate in your weight loss program and it has become hard to shed those last few unwanted pounds, now is the time to intensify your workouts. Your body tends to adapt to a workout that you are constantly doing and that leads to it no longer having the same effect.
Shed old weight gaining habits for new weight loss habits. Making positive changes in your diet is a great way to make sure the diet sticks. Replace old habits with new habits for success in weight loss. You will find this is much easier than attempting to simply stop enjoying certain foods (such as donuts). Replacing an existing habit with a new one is easier than breaking the habit altogether.
Examine the dishes that you eat and cut them in half when you are dieting. Bigger dishes will just make you put more on your plate, making you overeat. Use small plates that are between 7-9 inches for your dinners. Anything larger a normal sized dinner plate is much too large to use.
The weight loss information and tips you've read in this article should help you move forward with your own healthy eating program. Apply what you've just learned, and soon you will begin to realize your weight loss and fitness goals.
If you really want to shed those excess pounds successfully with maximum result, then, visit

Yogurt - The New Weight Loss Solution

Are you looking for something that is good to eat and will also help you lose weight? According to researchers at Seattle's University of Washington Medical Center, yogurt is the magic bullet to fight America's obesity problem.
Yogurt Works by Making you Feel Fuller Longer
Yogurt's ability to fill you up on fewer calories with a lower glycemic index means less hunger pains and less binge eating and junk food munching. What so many diet aids promise, yogurt does naturally while improving your digestive health at the same time.
Just Say No to Supersized
If your portions have gotten out of portion, yogurt will help you just say no to yet another bite while feeling fully satisfied too. Instead of having to forgo carbohydrates and fat, you can enjoy the foods you love without the urge to over eat them.
As food manufactures and fast food restaurants have supersized our meals, they have also supersized our waistlines. However, the diet gurus just advise us what foods are on the current do-not-eat list. It is hard to keep up with whether you can or cannot have bread, oils, sugar, corn syrup or other foods. Why is it not that way in other industrialized nations where pasta, butter, pastries and a host of other so called fattening foods are enjoyed daily?
In the book French Women Don't Get Fat, we learned that maintaining a healthy weight is all about enjoying foods, eating regular meals and, of course, eating smaller portions. But the book also revealed a secret that researchers in Seattle have just figured out; eating yogurt will help you stay or become skinny.
Make it Homemade
Another factor that helps keep the weight off of our foreign neighbors is the abundance of fresh, whole and minimally processed foods in their diets. In America, eating fruits and vegetables has been replaced by anything in a packaged container, unusually cookies, chips and other nutrition less processed foods.
Yogurt can help you get back into the natural food routine especially if you are eating fresh homemade yogurt since processed yogurt is loaded with sugar. The good probiotics found in active culture yogurt can help restore the healthy microorganisms in your body and help both your digestive system and your immune system to improve your overall health.
Yogurt is one of the best and easiest ways to boost your health and now research shows it allows weight loss to happen naturally.
Homemade yogurt is quick and easy with an electric yogurt maker. Read the reviews on the best yogurt makers on the market at Electric Yogurt Maker Guide and read more about yogurt and weight loss.

Five Foods You Should Not Put In Your Mouth

Did you know that every day you may be consuming foods that are doing incredible harm to your body? These aren't poisonous foods, or even illegal foods, they are worse than that! They are foods that have become such major ingredients that most processed, supermarket or pre-packed food contains many of these deadly ingredients.
In this article, we look at the top five foods that should never enter your mouth. Five foods that are responsible for much of today's chronic illness and disease. If you regularly consume any of these foods, stop now and see what a powerful difference you can make to your health.
Wheat is the number one food on our list, one that single handedly is responsible for most forms of digestive distress and discomfort. If you have not yet removed wheat from your diet this is an absolute must.
The protein gluten, found in wheat is particularly damaging to the lining of the digestive tract. The regular, frequent consumption of wheat based products is one of the key factors behind digestive disorders like IBS, Crohn's Disease and Celiac's. If you find yourself regularly affected by any of the below symptoms, removing wheat from your diet is particularly important:
  • bloating or abdominal discomfort after eating,
  • frequent bouts of diarrhoea or constipation,
  • regular problems with gas and wind.
Recurrent eczema or hard to beat psoriasis is a key indication you are eating too much wheat.
Wheat, and it's damaging protein gluten, is a common filler ingredient in many prepacked and prepared foods. Be sure to read labels carefully and choose products that are free from both wheat and gluten.
Cow's Milk
Wheat's partner in crime is cow's milk. The protein casein found in cow's milk has a similar effect to gluten. A dietary change as simple as removing gluten and casein is one of the key natural interventions for many chronic conditions including:
  • arthritis and auto immune conditions,
  • digestive conditions such as Crohn's, Celiac's, IBS, and ulcerative colitis,
  • childhood disorders such as Autism,
  • common allergies and asthma.
Try replacing cow's milk with rice milk or almond milk which are commonly available in supermarkets. Many people have reported that purchasing A2 Cow's milk has seen a reduction in symptoms. Don't be fooled by lactose reduced, or low lactose milks. While some people are lactose intolerant, it is the protein structure more than the sugar that causes problems.
The culturing of cow's milk in products such as kefir, yoghurt, and many soft cheeses, also helps to remove the damaging aspects of casein.
Called "white, sweet, and deadly", sugar is one of the most damaging ingredients in the modern diet. Often overlooked however, is that white, refined, breads and pastas are also simple sugars and have the same effects and cause the same problems.
Commonly known as a key factor in obesity and diabetes, simple sugars are also the preferred food for cancers and a major contributor to auto immune and degenerative joint conditions. Removing sugar from the diet is one of the quickest and easiest ways to:
  • lose weight,
  • control blood sugar levels,
  • improve cholesterol and metabolic risk parameters,
  • improve immune function and prevent colds and flues.
Like wheat, look carefully at food labels. Sugar is a cheap flavouring and makes its way into many foods that you would not expect.
Refined Salt
Not quite sweet like sugar, but definitely white and deadly, the use of salt has exploded in our modern diets. Some salts are good, others are bad. Refined table salt definitely falls into the bad category and has been directly linked to:
  • heart disease,
  • hypertension,
  • and diabetes.
The salt refining process also sees the addition of many chemical nasties such as aluminium. Although aluminium may make your salt easier to pour and more resistant to clumping, excess aluminium has been associated with many adverse health outcomes.
Try replacing refined table salts with good quality, unprocessed, Celtic sea salt or Himalayan rock salt. These salts have not been stripped of important trace minerals such as magnesium, potassium, and iodine, during processing. These full spectrum salts are powerful foods in maintaining health and wellbeing.
Trans Fats
If your plans for ageing don't include heart disease, cholesterol, or diabetes, reducing your intake of trans fats is a step in the right direction.
Trans fats, or partially hydrogenated vegetable oils, are plant based unsaturated fats that are artificially stabilised. Trans fats are often found in margarine, cookies, baked goods, pastries, take away foods, and other processed foods, where the hydrogenation prevents rancidity. It is the high consumption of trans fats, rather than saturated fats that is one of the leading drivers of high cholesterol levels.
Make sure the fats and oils in your diet are of the healthy variety by increasing intake of olives, avocado, nuts and seeds, and purified fish oils. Don't be scared of saturated fats from meat, eggs, and cheeses, as modern research places the blame for adverse outcomes on trans fats.
Marianne Fernance is the founding Naturopath for Brisbane Naturopath Passion4Health.
For more informative articles on natural health go to our website at

Liquids That Can Help You Lose Weight

There are foods that can help you lose weight and be healthy. Below is the list of liquids that can help you with it.
1. No fat, organic milk to ensure you will get anti-biotic and bovine growth hormone free milk that doesn't contain saturated fat. It is high in calcium and protein. Alternatively use enriched rice milk made from organic brown rice. It is high in rice protein and nutrients. Another option is enriched organic soy milk. You can drink them on their own or add to your morning cereals or shakes.
2. Soup is a good choice. You can make soups with vegetables, miso soups with seaweeds, beans, lentils or chickpeas soups with greens or vegetables. There are many healthy choices. Soups are good for your digestive system and prepared from the right ingredients they can help you lose weight. Try for example brown rice miso soup with wakame seaweed or tomato-basil soup with green pepper, carrots, celery and paprika. Try to use Himalayan salt. It contains over 80 trace elements and a healthy addition to food.
3. Green tea. You need to drink about 5 cups a day to see the difference. Besides being high in anti-oxidant content, it can also help burn extra calories.
4. Water. I tried not to mention water here - but it was just impossible not to do so! This actually needed to be first on the list. Drink 6-8 glasses of filtered or spring water. You can add a thin slice of organic lemon to the water. This will help to detoxify the liver and might make it easier for you to start drinking a lot of water especially if you are not a big fan of it. Water is practically good for everything, not only weight loss.
Replace the unhealthy drink you consume now with healthier alternatives and start losing weight immediately.
Do you need more time-proven, healthy tips to lose weight? Visit to download free weight loss reports.
Do you need help to make your dreams come true? Visit for a free book and more details.
Lynn Alex is a Certified Nutritional and Weight Loss Consultant, Life-Skills Coach. She is an American Board Certified Holistic Health Practitioner.

5 Great Ways To Lower Blood Pressure Quickly

For people with high blood pressure, medication sometimes is not sufficient to lower it to healthy levels. Consequently, they have to find additional ways help lower their blood pressure. Uncontrolled and prolonged high blood pressure can lead to serious complications; including, kidney failure, heart attack, and stroke. That is why you need to do every little bit you can to bring it under control. Here are some natural ways to lower your blood pressure that are easy to incorporate into your daily routine.
1. A Piece Of Dark Chocolate Will Keep The Doctor Away.
According to recent report in the Hypertension: Journal of the American Heart Association, eating a small piece of dark chocolate everyday contributed to chemical changes in the body that help dilate blood vessels and lower blood pressure. Several research point to the conclusion that the antioxidant-rich compound found in dark chocolate known as flavonoids, have a healthy effect on blood vessels as well as glucose metabolism.
Even better news for chocolate lovers is the fact that dark chocolate contains more flavoniods than any other food; including green tea, red wine, and blueberries. A little dark chocolate is good for you, but a lot of it is not because chocolate is high in calories. Also, to obtain the blood pressure lowering effect of dark chocolate, you need to look for one that has at least 70 percent cocoa content. Dark chocolate is delicious but sometimes, it may be a bit bitter so, you may have to try different brands until you find one that you really like.
2. Potassium: A Magic Mineral.
Potassium is a key nutrient in maintaining the electrolyte balance which regulates heart and muscle contraction. It also plays an important role in maintaining proper fluid exchange. A study conducted at Duke University shows that daily intake of Potassium supplements can significantly reduce high blood pressure. African-Americans showed the biggest drop. Their blood pressure went down almost 20 points, causing the speculation that this sub-group might be particularly sensitive to the blood pressure lowering effects of potassium.
It is recommended that you try to get your potassium from food. Dietary sources of potassium include apple juice, apricots, avocado, bananas, legumes, beets, cantaloupe, carrots, oranges, pears, white and sweet potatoes, raisins, salmon, sardines, watermelon, and winter squash.
3. Water: Nature's Miracle Medicine
When your body is in a state of dehydration, your blood pressure will increase dramatically. In fact chronic dehydration is the cause of chronic high blood pressure. Dr. Bathmanghelidj, the author of You're Not Sick, You're Thirsty, says that when the body is lacking water, it attempts to hold on to the available water supplies by retaining salt. When the body starts to retain water instead of letting it flow normally, blood pressure rises. However, this increased water retention is simply a preventive measure the body uses to protect the vital cells within it from becoming totally dehydrated. Water is one of the most effective ways to lower blood pressure.
Adequate water intake, and a bit of good pure natural salt such as Himalayan Crystal salt, will balance the fluid intake inside and outside the cells. This may sound contradictory to what you havebeen told, but salt is essential for life, we cannot live without it. However, there is a big difference between the common processed salt most people are accustomed to, and pure natural Himalayan salt which contains 85 trace minerals that your body needs. Intake of Himalayan Crystal salt will regulate the water content throughout your body, and promote a healthy PH balance.
Make drinking adequate amounts of water a daily habit. Not only will you be lowering your blood pressure, but a lot of other body functions will improve. You will feel more alert and energetic, less depressed, your skin will glow, and those nagging aches and pain will go away.
4. Breathe Deep For Your Heart
New research indicates slow breathing may lower blood pressure, even if practiced for only a few minutes per day. Take a slow deep breath, expanding the diaphragm, and the abdomen then, exhale even slower making sure you empty all the air from the lungs. The goal is to develop a rhythmic slow, and deep breathing pattern of less than 10 breaths per minute.
At first, you may find it difficult to develop a rhythmic pattern, but as you continue to breath in, and out slowly, you will eventually develop a healthy breathing pattern. Breathing that slowly for a few minutes several times throughout the day is another way to lower blood pressure that many people find very effective.
5. Walking Is Good For You
Many of us live a very sedentary lifestyle. We sit down all day at work and then, we spend our time at home sitting down. Over time, this inactivity can lead to many health complications caused primarily by excess weight. The ongoing day-to-day strain that excess weight puts on the entire cardiovascular system is what causes blood pressure to reach dangerous heights. Exercise plays a key role in lowering high blood pressure; however, many people find it difficult to engage in a regular exercise program because of lack of time. The good news is that you're not required to do prolonged, and strenuous exercise to benefit from it.
A recent study published in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health revealed that as little as 30 minutes of walking three times a week, even if it was broken into 10-minute walks throughout the day, was enough to have a significant effect on lowering blood pressure, and weight loss.
The above 5 approaches are proven ways to lower blood pressure. However, consistency is the only way to benefit from them long term. Make them part of your daily lifestyle routine for a healthy heart, and normal blood pressure.
Author: Cris Oakley. To learn more about natural ways to lower blood pressure, visit us at:

Vegetarian Weight Loss Meal Plans

Losing weight is often a favourite reason for teenagers, young adults and adults to go vegetarian. It is highly possible and easy to lose loads of weight by following the proper vegetarian weight loss meal plans. However, you will need low calorie vegetarian meal plans if you want to successfully lose weight by going vegetarian.
Studies show that vegetarians generally have healthier body weights and are thinner than meat eaters. On the other hand, it is definitely possible to be an overweight vegetarian.
How to Gain Weight on a Vegetarian Diet: Eat a lot of junk food like chips, chocolate, soda Eat a lot of take out like pizza, fries and high fat veggie burgers Eat a lot of cheese and full fat dairy products
How to Lose Weight on a Vegetarian Diet: Eat lots of vegetables Eat lots of plant based protein Drink fortified dairy free milk such as soya milk, almond milk, rice milk or hemp milk
So what exactly should you eat to lose weight on a vegetarian diet? Easy Veggie Meal Plans takes the confusion out of vegetarian diets by providing low calorie vegetarian weight loss meal plans that show you exactly how to lose belly fat fast. The protein rich and vegetable filled vegetarian recipes in this program are the key to unlocking the healthy vegetarian in you.
Here is an example of the low calorie vegetarian recipes included in her Easy Veggie Meal Plans.
Seitan Stir fry Calories 385, Fat 12gr, Carbohydrates 44gr, Protein 21gr
*Seitan: also known as wheat meat or wheat gluten. Even though it comes from wheat, it is not a carb, it's a protein. It contains 31 grams per 3 oz! It resembles meat in look and can be made to taste like all kinds of meats, fish and seafood. The texture varies if it is baked, boiled or reheated in the microwave.
1/4 cup Seitan
2 cups broccoli
¼ cup onion
½ cup brown rice cooked
2/3 cup snow peas
½ cup celery
1 cup bell pepper
1 tsp. Toasted sesame oil
1 tsp regular sesame oil
2 tsp. sesame seeds
Celtic/ Himalayan salt to taste
Garlic powder or fresh garlic to taste
Ginger- optional
Hot pepper- optional
Soy sauce
Sauté seitan, broccoli, bell peppers, celery, snow peas and onion together in a small amount of oil and water. Add sesame oils, salt, ginger, hot pepper, soy sauce and garlic to taste and sauté 2 mins. Boil rice and salt in water until soft. Al Dente style preferably (slightly chewy)
Follow simple, easy, and budget-friendly vegetarian weight loss meal plans to lose weight without sacrificing your health, wallet, or taste buds.
Want to get slim and sexy, the easy, vegetarian way read more about this slimming diet here: How to Eat Vegetarian for Weight Loss
If you're reading to jump right in and start cooking delicious meals, I've written a cookbook for those wanting to try an increasing amount of vegetarian meals How to Eat Vegetarian Easy Ideas and Recipes Under 30 Minutes.

Why Adding Salt to Food Is Bad For Your Health

When most people think of salt, they tend to think of the salt that is so heavily advertised as being good for your health, such as Celtic sea salt or Himalayan rock salt. The question is, are these types of salt actually healthy for us and, if not, where should we be obtaining our salt from?
Sodium (salt) is critical for maintaining health and is utilised by the human body for numerous tasks that include the following:
  • Found in the fluid between cells (extracellular fluid) where it is in constant dynamic balance with potassium which is mainly to be found within the cells (intracellular fluid). This healthy balance allows for the passage of waste and nutrients across the cell membranes
  • A major component of blood and lymphatic fluid
  • Needed for the use of our muscles, including the heart
  • Correct functioning of our nerves
  • Electrolyte, fluid and pH balance within our bodies
Over the last few thousand years, man has used salt for not only preserving foods, but also adding flavour to it. To think of going through life without adding salt to any of their foods would drive most people to distraction. "What, no salt on my food? But what should I do for taste?", most people will say. The addiction that most people have for adding salt to their food or for having salt added to it lies in the fact that most of the foods people eat are to put it quite simply not satiety and, so, the need is found to use salt to make the food come 'alive', which without it would appear as bland and unexciting as eating cardboard.
So, most of us now partake of various different types of salt, whether it is table salt, rock salt or sea salt. Many people know that traditional table salt is far from healthy as it is highly refined with various chemicals added to it including even fluoride in certain cases. They believe that by using other types of salt, which are deemed as being a healthy alternative such as 'unrefined sea salt' "Himalayan salt" and 'pure rock salt'.
Well, even though these types of salts do not go through the same processing that table salt does and as such could be termed 'natural', it does not automatically equate to them being healthy and suitable for human consumption. "Why?", you may ask.
Here are some points you may want to consider if you ever feel the need to sprinkle some 'healthy' salt on your food:
Consuming your salt through eating sea/rock salt, including table salt, creates the very real potential for overdosing and so can impact negatively upon the human body. How do you know when you have had too much, when your eyes become bloodshot or your blood pressure starts going up?
Unrefined sea salt can contain over 80 minerals but the majority of these are in very small amounts. For example a medium sized banana contains over 400mg of potassium while a teaspoon of sea salt contains just 11mg
Traces of heavy metals such as lead, cadmium, arsenic and mercury have all been found in sea salt. Why would anyone knowingly want to potentially be adding known toxins to their body?
So getting your sodium through eating food laden with table/rock/sea salt is certainly not conducive towards good health and ideal body weight. Yet, there is another source of sodium that is greatly overlooked in the modern world and that is obtained through eating natural, whole foods, which all contain sodium. Below is just a small list of whole raw foods that contain good amounts of sodium:
  • Celery
  • Coconut water
  • Carrots
  • Kale
  • Honeydew Melon
  • Cantaloupe Melon
  • Swiss Chard
  • Beets
  • Tomatoes
  • Lettuce
Getting sodium through eating a whole raw food diet wins hands down because:
It is more bio-available, due to chelation (binding) which means it is much easier for the human body to absorb.
Consuming your salt through eating sea/rock salt including table salt creates the very real potential for overdosing, which impacts negatively upon the human body.
Consuming salt, whether it is table/rock or sea salt, is addictive and so unhealthy.
Fruits and vegetables more than easily cover all your bases when it comes to mineral content including iodine (as long as the soil it is grown in is healthy/mineral rich).
Overdosing on salt and suffering the health consequences from eating a raw food diet of vegetables and fruits is unheard of.
Just as a reminder if any of us needed one about the dangers of eating too much salt:
High blood pressure can result from having too much salt in the bloodstream, forcing the heart to work harder, putting it under greater strain and narrowing the arteries.
Increased body weight can occur due to fluid retention because of excess sodium requiring water from the body to neutralise it and make it safe. This can be a real issue for people wanting to achieve weight loss. So, if you want to lose weight, exclude salt from your diet completely and switch to a low-fat raw vegan diet.
The more sodium you have in your body, the less you will absorb calcium.
The body becomes dehydrated by the over consumption of salt.
Salt has an acidic effect on the body, which can force it to leach alkaline minerals such as calcium from the bones to maintain a healthy pH balance. This can eventually lead to osteoporosis.
Our own personal experience of living without salt on the 80/10/10 raw food diet for well over 3 years now has been an interesting one. As we weaned ourselves off the addiction that we had for salt in the past, we eventually found that we could live without it and now find our taste buds much more sensitive to the foods that we eat. We enjoy our meals more than we have ever done and the thought of adding any salt never ever crosses our mind. Looking back salt is now for us what we can best term as a sledgehammer to the taste buds. We do not miss it anymore and revel in all the many fruits and vegetables that we eat daily.
Do we or other people we know who follow the same diet as us get any symptoms of under eating on sodium such as tiredness, nausea or muscle cramps? Quite the opposite, in fact, and we do a lot of exercise, often in hot tropical climates. So the argument that you need to add salt to your diet as a means to be healthy is simply untrue. Just eating a healthy raw food diet of fruits and vegetables and you will more than adequately cover you sodium needs.
Find out the truth about salt and how you should really be obtaining it for true health! Also visit our website at: where you can find out even more about what healthy living really means and how you and your loved ones can set yourselves free!

Himalayan Salt Rock Crystal Lamps for Your Health

Salt crystal lamps can be beneficial to your health. Himalayan rock crystal lamps have been known to help with many health problems such as sinuses, hypertension, respiratory problems, arthritis, migraines, liver conditions and many more.
These lamps are well known for relieving allergies. There are salt mines that are used for just this purpose. People actually travel deep into the earth to acquire the benefits of salt crystals.
These lamps are made from salt crystal rocks. You can purchase them as candle holders or lamps. The electric lamps may be safer and apparently will work better, although the candles do give off a pleasant flickering light.
These salt lamps are made from salt crystal rocks that nature formed hundreds of millions of years ago. They are mined with caution to preserve their purity and natural beauty. They are pleasant to look at with their soft, warm light and unique appearance.
Salt lamps work like ionizers but without the negative aspects like ozone that unnatural ionizers produce. The salt lamps also possess a healthier frequency of about 100-160Hz. This is closer to our brain frequency of only 8 Hz.
We are bombarded with many higher frequencies every day. The unnatural sources are TVs, radio waves, microwaves, cell phones and computers. These higher frequencies can create nervousness, cancer, insomnia and other diseases.
Salt crystals help fight against these other higher frequencies. The salt lamps also create negative ions that bind to the excess positive ions. This brings the environment closer to nature.
You may have felt more refreshed after a shower or could tell how much cleaner the air was after a rain. This is because of the negative ions produced in these situations. Niagara Falls must produce quite a lot of these negative ions.
The salt lamps can help us by correcting the ions in the air, but also the color it produces though the crystals are therapeutic. The third way is by bringing the immediate surroundings back to earth's natural oscillation frequency.
Although the lamps may not give the benefits of the salt mines, they are more convenient for most people. The larger lamps work well up to 10 feet or so. The closer you are the better. You could use several lamps to extend this distant.
Many people have found fast relief from these salt lamps. They are affordable for most individuals.
Just think of all the manmade inventions that cause pollution to our earth. Besides the pollution you can see, there's more that your body can feel such as positive ions, incredibly high frequencies and unnatural lighting.
You can fight back and help balance your own little world by making it more natural. One of your tools could be these Himalayan salt rock crystal lamps.
Read other interesting articles at Articles Mall []

Health Benefits of Himalayan Salt

Before the advent of modern medicine, our ancestors used salts such as Himalayan crystal salts for centuries to heal themselves. Himalayan salt is a pink salt which can be found in the Himalayan Mountains, hence the name. Research have shown that this one of a kind pink salt contains about eighty four minerals required to sustain human life. So it is really not surprising to know that Himalayan salt has been used since the ancient times to alleviate the symptoms of a variety of health conditions. Interested to know more about the health benefits of Himalayan crystal salt? Well then let me share to you some of them.
1. It aids in treating various skin disorders such as acne. Himalayan salt works by drawing out toxins inside the skin. The toxins that are in the body and under the skin can be one of the major causes of skin problems such as acne. These days, you can buy Himalayan salt in the form of a bar and use it to wash your face. You can also dissolve it in lukewarm water and use it as a facial wash.
2. It helps treat halitosis and other oral problems. Add some Himalayan crystal salt to water and let it dissolve. Use it as a gargle to cure oral problems from sore and bleeding gums to bad breath to infected tooth.
3. It helps detoxify the body. Himalayan crystal salt can be used as a bath soak to draw out toxins from the body. They say its trace minerals and negative ions penetrate the skin which produces a cleansing and detoxifying effect. To make a crystal salt bath, dissolve about two pounds of Himalayan salt to a tub then fill it with lukewarm water. Soak in the water for at least thirty minutes.
4. Himalayan salt can help regulate the water in our bodies. It also helps promote a strong PH balance in the cells, particularly in our brain cells. You can consume this natural salt in different ways. You can consume it as a mineral water by dissolving it in water and drinking it, or you can also replace your regular table salt with Himalayan salt and use it for cooking.
5. Ironic as it may sound, drinking water with Himalayan salt every day can help alleviate the symptoms of arthritis, rheumatism and even prevent kidney and bladder stones from forming.
6. When used as facial steam, it can help lower the incidence of sinus problems. It can also help alleviate the symptoms of asthma, bronchitis and other nose and throat discomforts.
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Where Can You Buy Nutrisystem Meals? I'll Tell You

Very commonly, I get emails from people who have searched their local grocery stores, pharmacies, super centers, and health food or nutrition stores for Nutrisystem meals. Many are picturing the Nutrisystem meals like the pizza, ravioli, tacos, and shortcake in the frozen food section next to the smart ones, weight watchers or lean cuisine. Some even think to check the athletic aisle by the protein bars or shakes. And all will come up short because these aren't the places where you can purchase the products. I'll explain this more in the following article.
Can You Get Nutrisystem At Clinics Or Doctors' Offices?: I do have a few folks tell me that they've asked their doctor to prescribe this diet and have gotten very puzzled looks. This isn't a highly restrictive diet so you don't need a prescription and doctors aren't the middle man. They don't carry the foods in their offices as is the case for some diets. And, although they are a handful of clinics scattered throughout the country, these are few and far between. In short, it's pretty unlikely that you're going to able to hop in your car and then come home with bags full of Nutrisystem products. No, for this, you have to let your fingers do the walking.
Ordering Nutrisystem Online: Not only is ordering the food online the easiest solution, it's really the only solution for most (unless you are lucky enough to be one of the few people who has a clinic by you.) The company really doesn't use third party vendors for this process. Although they do allow third parties to offer coupons, discounts, and incentives, when it comes down to actually ordering and paying for your food, you will be dealing with the company directly since there are just too many products to stuff into one small section of a grocery store.
Sometimes when I tell people this, they will express some disappointment. After all, they have finally made the decision to start the diet and have all kinds of resolve at this very moment, so they want to get started right away. I understand this, but I can also tell you that they do ship the items right away and often it will only take a couple of days for your order to arrive. In the meantime, you can educate yourself on adding in low glycemic sides to your meals. This way, you won't have to repeat this step in a few days when it is actually time to get started. You'll already know which sides you are going to pair with each meal so that you can have your groceries ready.
And the company will often offer first time buyers free shipping for this slight delay (and if you chose auto delivery in the future, you will always get free shipping before your food runs out so that you will never have to wait again.) Pair this free shipping with the coupons that you can often find online and you've saved a lot of money. The ordering process is pretty quick and easy. You can either go with a popular package or you can custom design your package to include only the foods that you think that you will like most. You can also order items individually and it will save this information for you so that you don't have to repeat this process.
To get the latest nutrisystem coupon codes discussed in this article, please check out my blog (where you can also read my free e book "Getting The Most Out Of Nutrisystem" which includes recipes, the latest specials (up to two weeks free or over $100 off), tips, support, and motivation. Check it out if you like at

Healthy Choices From the Frozen Foods Aisle

If the frozen food section is the last place you think to look for health foods, look again. The convenience of frozen foods makes lean frozen entrees great choices for time-strapped shoppers who do not want to sacrifice nutrition. Frozen foods makers now offer a wide range of healthy, high fiber meals for all budgets.
Lean Cuisine
Lean Cuisine is one of the most well known producers of healthy frozen entrees and makes more varieties than any other brand. The company carries six meal lines for different tastes and budgets. The most popular meals are included in the "One Dish" line where you will find meals like Alfredo Pasta with Broccoli, Asian-Style Pot Stickers, Four Cheese Cannelloni and Santa Fe Style Rice & Beans. These classic meals will fill you up without breaking the bank.
"Cafe Classics" and "Comfort Classics" are two other lines offered by Lean Cuisine. The Café Classics line carries the Asian and Italian restaurant meals you enjoy.  Comfort Classics are made of the foods you would eat at home if you had the time, like Baked Chicken or Beef Pot Roast.
Tasty and Tasteful
By far the tastiest choice Lean Cuisine has to offer comes in the "Spa Cuisine Classics" line, boasting twice the veggies of most other lean cuisine meals. Spa Cuisine Classics are composed of sophisticated meals with creative flavors such as Salmon with Basil and Butternut squash ravioli.
Lean Cuisine also offers a line of Casual Eating foods featuring one of the tastiest frozen pizzas on the market, whether you are on a diet or not. Also offered in this line are flat bread melts and Panini.
Weight Watchers
Weight Watchers Smart Ones carries 56 meal varieties consisting mainly of Italian, Mexican, Asian, Classics, and Pizza ranging from 140 - 390 calories. These are tasty choices that will help you maintain your weight management program. 
Healthy Choice
Healthy Choice is another maker of healthy frozen meals offering the "Complete Selections" line, made of full meals including desserts, and Simple Selections, consisting of simple classic meals. The most innovative contribution made by Health Choice is "Café Steamers", offering a method of steaming in the microwave, creating crisp and fresh tasting meals.
For tight budgets, Michelina's Lean Gourmet is the way to go, offering 31 lean varieties beginning around one dollar (just one-half to one-third the price of other meals). Michelina's also offers snack entrees like Pepperoni Pizza and Buffalo-Style Chicken. The meals consist of the classics you are familiar with, offering Italian, Mexican, and Asian choices. The Beef Pepper Steak and Rice stands out as an excellent selection that you will not find elsewhere.
You may know Kashi for its whole grain foods. The company now offers lean frozen entrée options as well. If you are not used to eating whole grains, Kashi may take some getting used to, but when you try these meals, your body will thank you for it.
Although Kashi meals are among the most expensive on the market, your mouth will be glad you spent the extra dough. With varieties like Lemongreass Coconut Chicken, Pesto Pasta Primavera and Southwest Style Chicken, you will experience something new and exciting that is also good for you.
Find it in the Freezer
The freezer section will surprise you with the many delicious and satisfying healthy meals available. These meals will help you save time while losing weight or maintaining your healthy lifestyle.
Jessica Bosari writes on various topics for internet publications. You can hire Jessica to write for your site. To hire Jessica or see other samples of her writing, go to

Are You Tired Of Not Seeing Results?

You can work out religiously and still never see the results you desire in the mirror!
Have you been training for months, even years without achieving your best body? If you're tired of not seeing those pounds fall off, it's probably time to get serious about your nutrition once and for all! When there is a stumbling block on the path to losing weight or even reaching peak fitness, it's almost always associated with poor nutrition.
The reality is all the exercise in the world won't help with healthy weight loss if nutrition is not made a top priority. If you're eating too much of the wrong things and skipping meals throughout the day, your metabolism will slow, preventing you from losing weight even with exercise and you have no one to blame but yourself.
On a daily basis, people in health clubs all over the world will ignore warnings that nutrition is 90% of their results. They will exercise for months, even years before they will ever make a true commitment to eating healthy. Unfortunately, it is for this reason that most people will fail when they attempt to get in shape or lose weight.
Fortunately, there are some very good ways to make sure nutrition is addressed effectively along with your workouts. To lose weight or get in shape without resorting to unsafe, unhealthy fad diets, try these simple tips:
Eat To Live - There's no point going on a diet to lose weight if you can't stick with it for the long haul. Rather than adopting a "plan," try eating smarter. Limit intake of high glycemic carbohydrates, select whole grains and lean meats, eat fresh fruits and vegetables and steer clear of sugary foods.
Portion Control - You don't necessarily have to count every calorie for the rest of your life to get results. You do, however, have to stay within a healthy range of calories for you. Try to monitor your portions daily using your clenched fist as a guide.
Change Your Belief System-You must establish a good relationship with the healthy way of living. Learning to love exercise and eating healthy is key to your long term success. Living healthy because you "want to" is very different than living healthy because you "have to"!
Read labels - While it's always best to avoid prepackaged foods, this isn't always possible. When it's a must, make sure to read labels to pick the healthier choices. There are some decent options out there, if you look for them.
Pick frozen foods with care - Frozen dinners are often a better choice than fast-food when you're in a rush. Do, however, pick the smarter choices here. There are some great healthful frozen entrees on the market today. Read those labels to find them. An even better choice as an emergency backup is our Meal Movement food delivery service, healthy pre-cooked, pre-portioned, lean meats, and snacks.
Pinpoint your triggers - Everyone has a food they just can't seem to stay away from. Figure out what your temptations are and try to come up with healthful alternatives. If your weakness is greasy, crunchy potato chips, a handful of nuts might do the trick. Chocolate lovers might find low-fat, low-calorie pudding does the trick just as well as a big candy bar.
Surrounding yourself with like minded people who have similar goals, beliefs, and daily actions will be of tremendous help on your journey. Being a part of a great fitness community that provides fun, results-driven programming, supportive and experienced fitness experts, and variety will also be key.
Education - Constant steady improvement through education is critical, strive to learn more and absorb everything you can.
"The Single Most Powerful Key To Your Best Body"
Study shows the value of a food journal and proves beyond doubt that the food journal can double your results!
"Keeping a food diary -- a detailed account of what you eat and drink is a powerful tool in helping people lose weight, U.S. researchers confirmed on Tuesday" says Will Dunham-Reuters.
The study involving 1,685 middle-aged men and women over six months found those who kept such a diary just about every day lost about twice as much weight as those who did not.
The findings buttressed earlier research that endorsed the value of food diaries in helping people lose weight. Companies including Weight Watchers International Inc. use food diaries in their weight-loss programs.
"For those who are working on weight loss, just writing down everything you eat is a pretty powerful technique," Victor Stevens of Kaiser Permanente's Center for Health Research in Portland, said in a telephone interview. The technique also helps hold dieters accountable for what they are eating, Stevens said.
The study involved people from four U.S. cities: Portland, Oregon; Baltimore, Maryland; Durham, North Carolina; and Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Their average weight loss was about 13 pounds (6 kg). But those keeping food diaries six or seven days a week lost about 18 pounds (8 kg) compared to 9 pounds (4 kg) for those not regularly keeping a food diary.
The average age of people in the study was 55. They were asked to eat less fat, more vegetables, fruit and whole grains, exercise 180 minutes a week, mostly by walking, attend group meetings, and keep a detailed food diary. Blacks made up 44 percent of the people in the study. The researchers noted that blacks Americans have a higher risk than whites for conditions linked to obesity including type 2 diabetes and heart disease.
Yes, the ultimate body transformation secret is journaling!
USA Today reported on a similar study, just keeping a simple food diary can DOUBLE weight loss! Surprised? Shocked? How can spending 10-15 minutes per day writing help you transform your body in record time? Well, for me there are 3 good reasons for that...
Why Journaling Works Like A Charm
Accountability - you are forced to answer to yourself at the end of every day. And the person you want to let down least is usually you... So if you commit to journaling each day, you'll quickly get tired of writing about poor results and start doing something about it. In addition if you have a personal trainer helping you they must see exactly what you're eating daily!
Clarity - As you journal you get a better idea of what you've done and what you need to do to achieve your health & fitness goals. You are constantly reminding, reviewing and re- planning which gives you a clear path to follow. You're not left guessing and procrastinating.
Motivation - Keeping a daily record is great because anytime you feel down you can very quickly flick through your journal and see how far you've come; instantly giving you the self- esteem boost you need to keep pushing towards your goals.
That's a powerful combination!
Have Your Own Body Transformation...Start Journaling Now!
Our easy to use nutrition program gives you the tools necessary to design your own weekly meal plans that meet your performance and nutritional needs by telling you the best foods to eat to reach your specific goals. Not only that but using a journal such as this is the only way your personal trainers and coaches can see what you're eating every day. Without this coaches are blind and realistically cannot help you achieve the optimum results you're looking for!
If you're exercising and not losing weight, it's time to ask yourself why. As you can see the nutrition journal is a very powerful tool and has the potential to double your results!
Chris Gray has been in the fitness industry for over a decade now where he has made his mark as one of Delaware's top trainers and club owners. Along with his many certifications Gray is also a best selling fitness author and is considered an expert in his field.
Gray's latest co-authored book "3 Steps To Your Best Body In Record Time" hit the Best Seller's list in 5 categories resulting in his induction into the Academy Of Best Selling Authors. Gray is also a regular contributor to multiple publications, most recently featured in USA Today Magazine, but it's his experience that makes him the true expert in his field. Chris started playing football at age 8 and has also competed nationally with an elite team of professionals in the Scott Firefighter Combat Challenge competing in 3 World Championships on featured on ESPN.
His very unique kettlebell training center located in Dover Delaware, is literally changing lives.
After years of witnessing people struggle every day to lose weight and get in shape Gray realized that most gyms and fitness programs set people up to fail right from the start by not providing them with all of the key elements needed to achieve success. It's the failure to provide these tools that results in most people's failure to accomplish their fitness and health goals.
Gray and his team have made it their mission to provide life changing results with their highly sought after training methods as seen in the Delaware State News, Dover Post, Wilmington News Journal, USA Today Magazine, and ESPN.
At Punch Kettlebell Gym Dover, Chris Gray and his team use integrity as the backbone of their life changing program, and offer guaranteed results or your money back.