9 Steps to Fast Weight Loss

My practice revolves around creating your own food plan that honors your unique bio-individuality. However, I have a secret that I am revealing: The Purge Project.
The Purge Project allows you to release up to 10 pounds in 2 weeks eating 6 healthy meals. These meals will stabilize your hormones and purge all the sugar and processing by-products from your body while adding delicious, good-for-you food.
The Purge Project has 9 Steps. Please note that when you follow these steps, you may suffer from fatigue, irritability and a slight headache. Be excited; your body is actively purging the sugar from your system. Those symptoms will leave after a couple of days and be replaced with clarity, energy and weigh loss!
1. Take out the sugar
Excess sugar causes our insulin to ride the roller coaster and as a result our body holds onto fat. By taking out all sugar we are forcing our body to stabilize our insulin levels and then increase the fire within our fat-burning furnace.
2. Cut out the grains
Grains, even whole, produce sugar when it is being digested, thus keeping the grains out will heal our insulin levels
3. Up the Vegetables
These miracle foods will fill you up with fiber, provide you with vital vitamins and minerals and provide energy via their carbohydrates.
4. Eat hormone free protein
Hormone-free proteins feed our muscles and assists with mental clarity and energy. However, if we eat protein that have been injected with hormones we only add more hormones to our body and thus, our healing will stall.
5. Drink H20
This healing elixir will detox your body.
6. Be picky with your fruits.
Even though fruits are natural, many types will wreak havoc on our insulin levels. Granny smith apples and berries are great fruity choices to be used in smoothies or for a snack.
7. Eat nature made as opposed to man-made.
Although box foods are convenient they are hurting our health. Work towards eating less man made food and shop the perimeter of the grocery store.
8. Up the fat (healthy fats)
Our bodies need good fats in order to burn fat. Olive oil, grapeseed oil, coconut oil, avocados, nuts, seeds are great sources of healthy fats.
9. Cook and Prepare in advance.
The path to weight loss goes through the kitchen. Take some time each week to cook and prepare your foods, so you always have healthy choices on hand.
The Purge Project provides an intermediate plan that cleans your insides and stabilizes your hormones. After a couple of weeks you can slowly transition healthy grains into your meal.
Maureen Wielansky helps women over 40 lose the weight that has been holding them captive. She uses her 9 Step F.I.T. System to customize a plan that works with her clients' unique body chemistries and lifestyle. Are you ready to take action and transform your body and your life? Then visit http://www.myknockoutbody.com and download your Action Guide to Unlocking your Knockout Body in 7 days

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