Weight Loss Will Do Wonders for Sex Drive

The results of several studies have drawn a strong link between erectile dysfunction and obesity in adult males. A weight loss regimen will decrease body fat and strengthen the cardiovascular system, improving sex drive and overall quality of life.
The relationship between physical and sexual health has never been more defined. A study firmly drew a correlation between obesity and erectile dysfunction in men over 50. The study, which lasted from 2001-2007, tracked a sampling of around 2,000 male participants who complained of erectile dysfunction symptoms. The sample's body fat was monitored, as well as the strength of blood flow to their penises. The study found that men who had higher degrees of obesity tended to have reduced blood flow to their penises, indicating a lack of testosterone symptomatic of erectile dysfunction.
Testosterone is the principle sexual hormone in a male. Testosterone increases libido, blood flow, and energy. Once again, there is a correlation drawn between level of testosterone and body fat in men. Another study indicated that 50% of men with high blood pressure (a symptom of obesity) experienced lower levels of testosterone. 35.7% of adults in the US are obese. These studies and trends indicate that half of the obese men in this country are susceptible to erectile dysfunction if weight loss is not taken seriously. While these findings are a strong message that erectile dysfunction is more so a physical problem than a mental one, the evidence clearly suggests the need for weight loss to maintain a healthy sex life.
Maintaining strong physical health through cardiovascular exercise and weight loss are an effect method in fighting erectile dysfunction. The biological process of an erection begins with the dilation of the blood vessels leading to the penis; the dilation increases blood flow and shuts down the ability for blood to leave the penis. Increased blood pressure and decreased testosterone weaken the dilation of the blood vessels, causing the erectile dysfunction symptoms of a weakened or an unsustained erection. Weight loss will improve cardiovascular health which will both decrease blood pressure and increase testosterone.
While for many men taking the step in the right direction to weight loss and an improved cardiovascular system may be difficult, there are many basic tips that can be easily worked into any daily routine that will have a positive impact. Some basic, easy to introduce weight loss tips are:
• Do not eat after a certain time at night. Your body does not digest as efficiently when you immediately go to sleep. It will be wasted calories and wasted energy that will only be turned into more fat.
• Change your diet to speed up your metabolism. Eat several smaller, healthier portions of food a day rather than 2 or 3 larger meals. Keeping food going in will cause you to burn it off quicker and increase your energy.
• Build a reward system through your workout routine. There is a growing movement that uses this strategy to fight childhood obesity. Children are required to do ten pushups (or the equal of) to gain an hour of playing video games. Simply apply the same concept to yourself. Wake up for a run Saturday morning to allow yourself a good time that night.
• Cut alcohol from your diet. Overindulgence in food or drink kills testosterone. There's nothing wrong with enjoy a few drinks with friends, but cutting excessive amounts of alcohol out of your diet will do wonders for your weight loss routine and sex drive.
Living a healthy lifestyle has a direct correlation with sexual function. The correct balance of nutrition and exercise has physical and psychological affects. Sex drive is highly related to both of these benefits. Even small changes to your daily routine can have a major impact on your life.
I am not a trained medical professional. Resources were provided by Men's Clinics of America. Visit their Weight Loss Health Clinic Website for more information.

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