The Latest News on Acai Research

The Acai Research Center is an independent research body that is dedicated to understanding the beneficial effects of the berry in curing various human ailments. A lot of research is being carried out in research and development organizations like these all over the world ever since the health benefits of the fruit were realized.

Not just by the native Amazonians of Brazil and Peru, but by people across the globe. The main aim of any Acai research study is to study, understand and prove the benefits of this 'wonder berry. And develop newer methods of promoting it as a nutritious 'super food.'

Extraction-based Acai research studies show that a mere hundred grams of the fruit contains nearly 32.5 grams of fat, an amazing 52.2 grams of carbohydrates, 44.2 grams of fiber and 8.1 grams of protein.
Though Acai research shows that the fruit has a high fat content, lab experiments and nutrition studies know for a fact that this high percentage of fat is largely composed of a large amount of omega fatty acids and essential fatty acids.

It doesn't promote the production of cholesterol, and in fact aids the process of speeding up the metabolism. Eating the fruit in its ripe form is not feasible unless you're a native of the Amazon belt. So, the fruit is now sold in its freeze-dried form as frozen food.

In its spray-dried form as powder that can be mixed with either soda or water to make health drinks and can also be manufactured commercially as smoothies, ice creams, yoghurt, etc.

Acai research shows that the fruit has amazing anti aging and anti cancer properties. These two benefits are interlinked as they're based on the same process of anti oxidation.

To learn more about Acai research; go to and Grab your Free Ebook titled "Acai berry myths exposed!" Learn the truth about Acai berries. While your there enjoy another great

article about Freeze Dried Acai

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