Natural Weight Loss - The Real Truth About Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis Is More Complex Than You Think
It used to be that when I drank a glass of milk, ate yogurt, or grabbed a low-fat slice of cheese for a snack I thought I was protecting myself against future osteoporosis. Most women probably think the same, if they think about osteoporosis at all. But what most women don't know is that dairy alone is not enough to fight osteoporosis. Some of you will be shaking your head and saying, "Of course! You need calcium and vitamin D, and also need to build bone density through exercise!" But even Vitamin D, weight-lifting, and calcium combined aren't enough. The fact is, most women who think about osteoporosis are thinking about it the wrong way.
Bone Health: More than Just Milk
Women who protect their health through exercise, a balanced diet, natural weight loss, and vitamin and mineral supplements may think they're doing enough to ensure their future health. The truth is, however, that osteoporosis prevention is more complex than drinking milk and lifting weights at the gym. Calcium is a necessity for bone development and strength - this much is true. But it is not calcium alone that must be present for the bones to remain strong. Bones are also dependent on magnesium, potassium, protein, and vitamin D.
First of all, women should know that calcium isn't just available in dairy products. Yes, dairy is an excellent source of calcium, but frequently high in sodium and low in magnesium. Too much sodium will cause the body to eliminate calcium through urine. Rather than relying on only milk and other dairy products for calcium, women should choose other calcium-rich foods like nuts, fish, and dark leafy vegetables. These foods are not only good for the bones, but also excellent sources of a variety of nutrients necessary for a healthy body. Furthermore, these foods can be integrated into any healthy diet or natural weight loss plan.
Magnesium, found naturally in legumes and vegetables, is a mineral that makes up part of our bones. Magnesium is therefore needed in order to sustain healthy bones. Potassium, found in plant-based foods and meat, also makes up part of our bones, and also helps the body to retain calcium and magnesium. Protein, and specifically protein found in meat, is necessary for the development and maintenance of bone and muscle cells. Vitamin D, found in milk, fish, some meats, and absorbed through sun exposure, allows calcium to be absorbed by the body. Vitamin D is therefore necessary for the body to have access to the calcium it takes in.
The Importance of Exercise
All of the nutrients mentioned above, which should be eaten as part of a healthy diet or natural weight loss plan, must be regularly consumed in order to ensure bone health. However, even that is not enough. Everyone knows about the importance of exercise for a healthy heart and cardiovascular system. Exercise is also important for bone health. Exercise that develops muscle growth, such as weight-lifting, resistance exercises, yoga, and pilates, also build bone density, which protects the body from osteoporosis. Every woman (and I mean every) should be getting regular exercise to protect herself from cardiovascular, bone, and other diseases.
The Moral
In sum, preventing osteoporosis requires a concerted effort to consume plenty of calcium (from both dairy and non-dairy sources), magnesium, potassium, protein, and vitamin D, and do bone-building types of exercise. Changing the diet to include these nutrients and adding regular exercise to a daily or weekly regimen will support present and future health, and will likely result in increased energy, natural weight loss, and overall improved health.
Part of overall health, including bone health, is maintaining a healthy weight. If you want to learn how to lose weight through a Natural Weight Loss program, download a free copy of the "Free Experts Guide to Understanding Weight Loss" from the link below.
Dr. Bill Berkowitz has a passion for Natural Weight Loss and Natural Healing. His frustration with the fad diets led him to develop an All Natural Program that results in tremendous weight loss without counting calories or going hungry. He discovered that when you supply the body with the correct foods the result is almost immediate weight loss along with increased strength and energy. His latest publication is available for free download at []

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