5 Foods You Should Never Eat If You Have Acne

Let's face it, having acne is a real pain. If you don't get it under control it can effect your life for many years. Many people experience acne well into adulthood. Why is this disease so hard to get rid of? Well, a major part of it is the food that you are eating. Allot of foods do not play nice with people who have acne. In this article, I'm going to give you 5 foods you should avoid. If you can avoid these foods, then you should see a reduction in your acne breakouts.

#1 Yeast Based Foods

It's not a secret that yeast can wreck havoc in a persons body. For someone with acne this is very true. Most yeast foods will slow down your digestive system. Avoid eating breads, beer, and most grains. Watch how your body responds to this in the coming weeks.

#2 Sugar

Sugar has a tendency to make people tired and mess with their blood sugar levels. Neither of those two things go well with acne. Does that mean all sugar is bad? Well, not really. A small amount of it may be okay. One of the better ways to get a little sugar is to simply eat a little more fruit.

#3 Milk Products

Milk has been a problem for many people. Allot of the more recent studies are starting to show that there is a connection between dairy products and acne. In fact, many people see their acne go away completely when they stop eating dairy products. This is one of the first things you may want to try out for yourself.

#4 Foods With Iodine In Them

There are certain foods like clams, crabs and shellfish that contain lots of iodine in them. For some people there seems to be a strong connection between the iodine and acne. Keep in mind, some milk and breads may also have iodine in them.

#5 Processed Foods

This is a big category. Allot of our foods now of days are processed. When your foods are processed there is allot of junk that can be added to them. These chemicals are really just toxins. Those toxins may turn into acne one day. The more non processed foods you eat the better.

Bonus: Vegetable Oils

Here is one more food you might want to avoid as an added bonus.

The vast majority of vegetable oils are not good for you. When it comes down to it, most of them are really just fat. Too much fat isn't something any of us really want. Where these oils effect acne is with insulin. The insulin your body produces releases hormones which can lead to clogged pores. As you probably know, that can lead to acne.

Did you know that the food you are eating can cause acne? Did you know you are probably eating something right now that may be causing you to breakout? The proper acne diet is crucial to curing your condition. This is why you need to learn about the worst foods for acne by visiting my blog today!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dan_Zigmond

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