Fast Weight Loss - Are Diet Pills Really a Good Idea?

I was in my local supermarket only yesterday, waiting for my wife, and generally killing time browsing, when I noticed a show stand near the health and medical section. It caught my eye because I had seen the same product displayed prominently in a well known chain of high street pharmacies.
Since then, I find an ad in a fitness magazine suggesting the possibility of a 'new life' for anybody taking this weight loss capsule. Well certainly from the publicity I have seen about this kind of addition to a daily diet, a new life is 100% guaranteed, but it may not be the new life that you had anticipated.
To be fair to the advertisement and the manufacturers, they do emphasize that if you use this product in conjunction with changes to your eating habits, commitment to a reduced calorie, lower fat diet, and adoption of a more active and healthy lifestyle, you will see amazing results.
Well here's the truth! If you do all of those WITHOUT taking the capsule, that is a good NATURAL weight loss program. You don't need the capsule!
What does it do? Well, if I quote from the manufacturer's own text: "It works only in your digestive system to prevent some of the fat you eat being absorbed by your body and turned into extra pounds, helping you lose more weight than you would if you were just dieting". Well that maybe true, but let me ask you this...
...what happens to the fat that this capsule stops the body from absorbing? Correct, it passes through your system and is discharged along with other waste products. This is an extreme form of dieting and it is not sustainable long term and should not be encouraged.
Your body is engineered to manage a balanced diet of all food groups, and your digestive system is able to cope more than adequately with a 'normal' food intake and expulsion. The body does not like accumulated non-absorbed fat of the kind produced by capsules like this. It will be expelled when and where the body is ready, and you will have little or no control. This could lead to extreme discomfort and embarrassment...and you giving up your diet in no time at all.
Yes, by all means take the advice of the manufacturers:
• Make changes to your eating habits
• Eat reduced calorie and low fat foods
• Adopt a healthier and more active lifestyle
• Keep a food diary
• Join a forum of like-minded people
• Ask nutrition and weight loss experts
BUT YOU DO NOT NEED TO take capsules that make the body work in a non-natural way. What you need is a long-term natural solution to fat loss...and capsules are not it!
Peter Flatman is a former aerobics and fitness trainer, and takes a great interest in health matters. He is very concerned about fast weight loss [] products like diet pills, and is a keen advocate of natural weight loss solutions. To learn more useful facts about fat loss and some invaluable information on weight loss pills and their side effects, visit his natural and safe fat loss blog []

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