The Best Free Fat Loss Diet Plan? - Watch Your Food Intake

Measure and control what you eat if you want to lose fat. You have to pay attention as to how much of the food do you want and how much of it do you actually need to take. If you have a hard time just getting enough for a meal, then reduce the size of you plate. The human mind works in mysterious ways. It turns out that using smaller bowls, plates, and containers can subconsciously influence how much you serve yourself. A smaller plate means a smaller serving, and actually easier to measure you food intake.

Do not eat everything on your plate. Most of the time, we eat because we know there is a food in the table. If this is your case, serve just enough food for you and your family. Do not get a plateful of food at once. You can start by getting just few spoonful of everything and try to get a little more if you still feel like you are not yet full. Putting a lot on your plate at once will force you to eat all of them. Stop eating when you have had enough. Try to leave a little food on your plate, that way you will realize you don't have to eat the whole plateful.

Another way to minimize food intake is to sip water in between bites. Water can make you feel like you are already full, and you may not be encouraged to take few more bites. In addition, numerous studies have shown that eating slowly results in eating less. So how can you eat slowly?
Simply put down your knife or any utensil that you are using every after bite. Or simply have a short chat with your wife or kids. Putting down your utensils and have little table talk is effective diverting your focus on the food that you are eating.

If you are having trouble losing body fat with your old fat loss plan, check out this free fat loss plan called Fat Loss By Friday. It is a one week jump start diet plan guaranteed to help you burn fat fast.

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