Heart Disease Diet Plan: Top 12 Smart Eating Habits for a Strong Heart

It is unfortunate that in the United States today, more and more people are developing hypertension, having strokes and heart attacks, developing coronary disease, and many other illnesses. Much is due to popular errors regarding diet. For those with heart problems and are looking for a heart disease diet plan that is easy to follow, these 12 healthy eating habits can not only develop a strong heart, but will also help you avoid
many other illnesses.

Tip #1: Have your diet consist largely of fruits and vegetables prepared in a natural way that is tasty.

Tip#2: To help prevent heart failure and obesity, use more whole grains such as 100% whole wheat break, rye bread, quinoa, oatmeal, etc. Limit food prepared from refined white four such or bolted cornmeal.

Tip #3: Mix up your diet. Vary your diet in each meal, but don't eat too many variations in one meal. Work on keeping your meals simple.

Tip #4: Eat sparingly of rich foods, keep your sugar intake to 3 teaspoons or less daily, salt to a half-tea spoon, and oil to 2 tablespoons. Avoid foods such as spices, greases, fried foods, baking powder and soda, and vinegar. If you like fruit juice and other concentrated foods, eat them in very small quantities.

Tip #5: Another good heart disease prevention and diet tip is to eat at the same mealtime daily and at least 5 hours apart. Your digestive functions work much more efficiently when you eat on a regular schedule.

Tip #6: Always eat a big breakfast and make it the biggest meal of your day. If you eat supper, keep it light (e.g. fruit and whole grains), and finish eating 2-3 hours before you retire for the night.

Tip #7: Don't ever overeat. In the United States, many of us do overeat and develop obesity and other heart problems. Eat all you need to maintain your health and enjoy your food, but don't overdo it. Too much food dulls and depresses the mind, causes disease and fatigue, and will shorten your life overall.

Tip #8: Eat your food slowly. When you do this, you will increase your enjoyment and get more nutritional benefits from your food.

Tip #9: Drink plenty of water. However, do not drink with your meals or immediately before or after them.

Tip #10: Fast occasionally by skipping one to four meals. Fasting teaches you self-control and can be a good remedy for those who are too sedentary.

Tip#11: Do not eat between meals. This slows the digestion process and allows the food to ferment.

Tip #12: Try eating two meals a day. This can be good for those who are not only working on increasing their heart's health, but who also need to eat fewer calories to lose weight. It is also good for those who are not very active.

These 12 heart healthy smart eating tips are simple enough for anyone to follow who is looking for an effective heart disease diet plan. What we eat and drink today will affect us in the future. So, by heeding these instructions, more than likely you can live a longer and healthier life!

Monique Hawkins is an enthusiastic advocate for the use of safe and effective high quality, natural, alternative health products to treat and prevent heart disease. To learn about how to prevent and treat heart disease naturally, visit her blog for weekly tips at heart disease treatment tips

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Monique_Hawkins

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