Energy Drinks Dangerous to Drink

I would consider energy drinks dangerous to drink until you get to hear all the facts, and are sure under what conditions they are safe for you, or the kids. Although downing an energy drink or two may seem like a safe and innocent way to help you keep up the hectic pace of this hurry up world we live in, it could be doing you more harm than good. You should also not consider an energy drink as a "special treat" for your child.

There have been studies done on energy drinks which show that the most common ingredients like sugar, sodium, and caffeine are very dangerous when taken in high dosages for diabetics and for people with low or high blood sugar levels. And it is not always 100% clear how much caffeine or sugar you are consuming from the ingredients on the can. The small 8 oz. can, has about 80 mg of caffeine, the amount found in an instant cup of coffee. But drink a 16 oz. can, or two, and you're getting around 150 mg. per/can. Add a Snickers candy bar in the mix, and without a second thought you are about to go through the roof on a sugar/caffeine overload!

We've seen where the average person consuming the average energy drink that's high in sugar can feel like they're trapped in a speeding, out-of-control elevator that's crashing to the ground when the sudden drop in insulin levels kicks in. Now think about the effects it would have on a person with a heart condition. At times the energy drinks can also boost the heart rate and blood pressure, to the point of palpitations. So, when you ask are energy drinks dangerous? The answer is yes, they certainly can be dangerous!

We have all heard about the guy who overdosed after 10 energy drink cocktails at a rave, and considered that an extreme case, that could never happen to you, or anyone you know. But an overdose can be as simple and innocent as a student cramming for a test, pulling an "all nighter" with the help of 4 or more energy drinks. People don't understand that some of the ingredients in that energy drink can be dangerous, when consumed in large amounts over a short period of time.

We have athletes that will make the mistake of drinking energy drinks before their sports event to help them gain an added edge. But caffeine can have a dehydrating effect on this athlete, and have them desperately needing water. Instead of an energy drink, they should be reaching for a sports drink, like Gatorade, and always water. Watch the sporting events on TV, and you will see what they are drinking.

Some of the energy drink dangerous side effects include jitters, infertility, ulcers an irregular heartbeat, excess sweating and anxiousness. Caffeine is known to have both laxative and diuretic effects on the body. This means you often lose the stimulant through excess urination, and you are left dehydrated. It can also reduce your coordination and balance, increase your heart rate and body temperature, and disturb your sleeping patterns. Is it really worth it?

On the market place today, there is now a safe alternative to all the popular energy drinks out there. A powder that you mix with water that is safe for you to drink, without any of the high levels of caffeine. It's a natural product you can drink 2 to 3 times a day to enhance your energy levels throughout the day without any of the health risks. It's safe for children, and cheaper than the energy drinks in a can.

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