New Acai Berry Research Fights Cancer

Knowledge about eating right has shown that a balanced diet of fruit and vegetables can have a great benefit on personal health. New research has proven this to be true in a laboratory setting, especially when it comes to fighting cancer.
According to Monica Giusti of Ohio State University's Department of Food Science and Technology, one of the main ingredients in dark colored fruits, anthrocyanins, has shown remarkable results in the slowing and even complete halting of cancer cell growth in a controlled environment.
Since the evidence points to all foods with a natural dark hue, blueberries, pomegranates, and Acai berries are included as the best source of this natural compound. Again it seems that science is proving that the benefits thousands have felt in the increase of their overall health are real!
Who knows how many actual benefits can be had just by taking one Acai supplement a day? With the results found by Monica Giusti, it may even be possible that a treatment for cancer may be created out of foods rich in antioxidants and anthrocyanins. There are many people out there who would defiantly prefer to have a treatment for cancer made from fruits and their juices than to have their body pumped full of chemicals, "chemo-therapy" or have their body irradiated in a hospital.
Now that you know this, do not hesitate at the benefits a simple supplement can give you. Whether you want to experience a healthier lifestyle, gain more energy, or even look for an alternative to common cancer treatments, the Acai berry research shown here can help you today!
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