Six Steps For Rapid Weight Loss

If you want rapid weight loss then there are certain things you should do and others to avoid. The following six steps will help you to lose weight fast and keep it off long term.
What you need to do is:
Step One - Change Your Exercise
If you do the same exercises over and over every day, then your body becomes accustomed to that exercise. You suddenly find you'll burn less calories and hence slow you weight loss.
You need to trick your body into losing weight fast, by doing a different exercises at least every three weeks. Or simply change it every week.
If you find it hard to change your exercise routine then you can also:
Step Two - Exercise for Longer
If you find changing your exercise too difficult, then simply change the amount of time you exercise. If you walk for 30 minutes change and walk for 45 minutes.
Even by staggering your exercise time you can get your metabolism racing again. So try walking 30 minutes today, tomorrow do a faster paced 20 minute walk, the following day a longer 45 minute walk and so on.
By changing the times you exercise you can trick your body into rapid weight loss. You can also:
Step Three - Exercise more Often
Similarly you can increase the frequency of exercise. If you were walking 2 or 3 times a week and weight loss has slowed down, then try exercising 4-5 times this week. Changing the routine can stimulate that metabolism and stop those plateaus.
Again every week you can change the days you exercise and the days you miss. If your body never knows what you are doing then it is constantly tricked into burning more calories.
Step Four - No More Low Calorie Diet
If you are on a very low calorie diet then stop.
If you restrict your calories your body goes into starvation mode and your metabolism will slow down. In fact by eating more frequently, or cheating on your diet you can stimulate or even super charge your metabolism.
Also watching the type of foods you eat will also help. Eating more fresh state foods will also kick your metabolism into action.
And remember:
Step Five - Muscle weighs more than fat
You may look in the mirror and think "I'm looking better" yet when you jump on the scales you discover you've lost no weight at all. But don't worry!
Body fat weighs less than muscle, by exercising you are maintaining and building lean muscle mass, which helps you to burn fat faster. What you weigh is not important, if your clothes fit better, you look better then this is your main motivation.
Weight loss will still occur as your body sheds those pounds, but initially it may seem a fruitless pursuit. But...
Step Six - Be Patient
Weight loss can be fast for those that need to lose a lot of weight. Initially you may see good weight loss. But as you get closer to your goals you may find it is harder to lose.
Be patient, stick with the plan and the weight will continually drop. Follow these six steps and use a good weight loss diet program and you will reach your goals. But patience is needed.
What you eat, when you eat and when you exercise is essential for rapid weight loss. So make sure you follow the right program.
Losing weight can be easy, here at Cheat Your Way Thin Exposed we uncover the real truth about this diet secret. To lose weight you must first understand the health warnings.

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