Why Counting Calories Can Save Your Life

This is a subject that has been beat to death more times than any one human can count. Why then do we still eat 1000-1500, even 2000 calories at a sitting? I was at lunch with a fellow at a local burrito joint. I was talking about how much I loved the food and wished I could eat it more than once a week. He looked at me with a quizzical expression and asked, "This isn't good for you?" Sure, if all you are eating is half of (or less) a burrito. This guy's meal (pretty big fellow) was a burrito, a bag of chips, guacamole, and a regular soda. Easily 2000 calories. For one. Single. Meal.
And you wonder why Americans are fat?
True, at that burrito joint the ingredients are fresh and set the industry standard for quality...but quality doesn't equal diet food. On the other end of the spectrum you have high quantity at low quality: Buffet style restaurants. Next time you go to a buffet, look around you. It is like being unplugged from the matrix when you take a minute to "see" the people around you eating at these establishments. Keep that in mind next time you go to one, I guarantee you will eat less.
Americans are quirky. Somewhere in our DNA is code that says answers to problems can only be bought. If you disagree, look at the billions of dollars Americans spend on health and wellness; not to mention lypo. Why is that? The answer to the weight loss question has always been and will always be intake (food eaten) has to be less than or equal to your output. How are you going to measure that? By counting calories. There was a recent news blip on CNN about a professor that ate only processed sugars (twinkies and the like) at a rate of 1800 calories a day to prove the point that it isn't what you eat, but how much you eat. He lost 25 pounds. Granted, there are healthier ways to lose weight, but his point was clear as the results spoke for themselves.
Tired of being fat? Do something about it!
Counting calories is absolutely a pain in the butt. There is no easy way to do it, but there are tools out there that do make it easier. A handy app for the iPhone called "lose it!" is a great place to start, they even have a website to help those interested. Even easier, just Google the term "calorie counter" and find a site or service (almost all of them free) that meets your needs.
You as an average human being can do it. Small changes lead to the long term results. It's just a matter of taking it a day at a time and knowing that it doesn't matter where you start, as long as you start. It may be cutting one type of food out every couple of weeks, or introducing small amounts of exercise into your daily routine a couple times a week. Regardless, it is up to you to make the decision to start somewhere.
Paul has been writing informative articles like this for 6 years. Come and take a look at his newest site [http://p90x.beachbodyreviews.com/p90x-recovery-drink-alternatives-you-have-options/] which helps people understand p90x-recovery-drink-alternative [http://p90x.beachbodyreviews.com/p90x-recovery-drink-alternatives-you-have-options/] and helps them make an informed choice about them.

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