Water - A Miracle for Belly Fat

In my recent articles, I write about the importance of water in our losing belly fat diet and what benefits water provide to our body.
It is known that human body is 80% water, so, it is impossible to be wrong to provide our body with its first element.
Specialists recommend about eight glasses of water a day for adequate hydration. This it doesn't mean that we have to count exactly every day 8 glasses of water! This number is just a guideline. You can hydrate your body also by consumption of "watery" foods like melon, greens, other fruits and vegetables that have huge health benefits, including warding off fatigue. Water also helps preventing constipation, which usually cause bloating.
The challenge with water, as a belly flat miracle, is to be able to maintain your body's proper fluid balance and guard against water retention. Because we are different and as in this world can't exist 2 of same ADN, same can't exist diet rules to fit exactly for 2 different bodies and metabolisms.
Your body fluid needs vary according to activity level. An athletic life style body will always need more water that a sedentary one. And it is normal to be like this because trough sports and exercise your body loses faster water and you have to hydrate it better.
To have even more results, I know some "water shakes" recipes...yes, don't laugh! You can mix water with some ingredients that will fight with your body undesirable fat.  One of my favorite shake is: water mixed with ginger...it is great and ginger helps calming and soothing your GI tract. Another benefit of this mix is that it will remind you that life can be so different if you add something new, and also you will realize that you made a decision to change your habits...you will see how great and pleasant is to realize that you are really doing something to get in shape, to get a flatter belly once for all.
Add in this "water shake" some lemon and small spearmint leaves...mhhhhhh, can you realize how healthy this sounds? Lemon will help you to eliminate hungry feeling, adding some vitamin C to your body that will keep you out off viruses. Drink it at the end of the day and you will relax instantly, physically and psychically!
John Donovan loves healthy life style and belly fat diets. John is writing reviews about anything related with losing belly fat naturally at his blog, lose belly fat naturally


  1. Water is helpful for health as well as body.

    Abdominal Rejuvenation

    1. The first reason you should drink water is that water can help flush out the harmful toxins in your body. If, for the last several months or years you have been on a diet that is full of processed foods, the chances are high that you have a high level of toxins in your system. If you want to feel better on a day to day basis, these toxins need to be flushed out of your system.
      Thanks for visiting..!!

  2. you right Jou..

    detox combain with diet plan can burn our fat very fast.

    I read same tips about it,called fat loss factor program by dr charles

    1. The raw food detox diet is a popular healthy eating plan for anyone that wants to lose weight and cleanse their bodies. Used for the detoxification process, the diet is made up of a range of raw meats, fish, grains, nuts, fruit, vegetables or dairy products and this makes up about three quarters of the diet.
