The Role Of Fruit In Weight Loss

Dieting is sometimes a confusing subject with many conflicting reports about how to lose weight. One of the subjects that often is discussed and little understood is the role that fruit plays in weight loss.
Some people tend to ignore fruit in a fat loss diet due to the high natural sugar content which they are concerned about. Others claim that the fruit supplies vital vitamins and should not be ignored, and besides your body does need a certain amount of sugar and it is better to get the sugar from a natural source. The real truth is that fruit plays a far more important role in weight loss than most would give it credit for. Below are two little known facts about how fruit may contribute to your weight loss.
1) Fruit is a natural colon cleanser.
The longer that food sits in your digestive tract, the more calories and fats are absorbed by your body. Bulimics use laxatives in excess to ensure that as little calories as possible are absorbed through the digestive tract. Ideally you should experience a bowel movement after every meal but as long as you experience at least one bowel movement a day you are fine. By now you would have seen many products advertised online that claim massive weight loss through colon cleansing. While many of these products are merely scams, a good clean colon is vital to healthy weight loss and fruit contains a vital colon cleansing component.
Fruit contains a natural form of hydrogen peroxide which helps to cleanse your colon. You may already have read about the one minute miracle cure for all diseases - all that it consists of is drinking hydrogen peroxide which, due to it's unnatural form, your body tends to reject and causes nausea. Why use unnatural hydrogen peroxide which makes you feel nauseous when you can use natural fruit to accomplish the same objective - a clean colon.
Eating a little fruit on an empty stomach is a sure fire method to overcome even the most sluggish of colons and leave you healthier, cleaner and lighter.
2) Fruit helps to burn fat.
You should all probably know that fruit is a vital source of Vitamin C. The part that few do know is the important role that Vitamin C plays in weight loss. Your brain contains some hormones that help to control appetite and determine the rate at which your body burns fat. The hormone Dopamine is the hormone that is released to increase appetite. When you smell some great food cooking and you suddenly start feeling peckish, it is due to the smell releasing Dopamine which then increases appetite.
Vitamin C acts to convert Dopamine into Norepenephrine, another hormone, which is responsible for, amongst other things, increasing the speed that your body burns fat. Did you ever notice that after eating a portion of fruit you seem to get a burst of energy. This is due to the release of norepinephrine which converts calories and fat to energy.
Many well known prescription diet pills aid you to lose weight merely by manipulating these hormones.
While the above shows that fruit plays an important role in weight loss, it is always important to maintain a healthy balance in your diet. Your body needs a good balanced diet with a mixture of fruit, vegetables, proteins and even a little fat in order to remain in total health.
John Foster is an established weight loss expert. You can view more articles and information on increasing your metabolism and burning fat faster at his website Best Fat Burner.

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