Lose 20 Pounds Now - Burn Calories For Weight Loss

If you are worried about your weight, or even just concerned about your BMI, you are certainly not alone. Recent surveys have shown that over seventy percent of Americans are struggling with their weight.
One question that has been posed time and again still has researchers puzzled. What is it that causes our population to have such a widespread problem with achieving and maintaining a healthy body weight, and how can it be overcome?
There are many pieces to this perplexing problem. DNA can certainly play a part in an individual's metabolism - if your ancestors struggled with weight loss, chances are high that you will, also. Recent research has focused on the process of Mutagenesis, or changing the structure of DNA to assist individuals who have the genetic markers for inherited obesity and the associated problems that come with it. Is it possible to change the body's code for the better? Scientists are hard at work to find the answer. In the meantime, there are real breakthroughs that can help break the cycle of persistent weight loss and weight gain that such a large percentage of the population battles.
Some of the best tools for weight loss involve simple knowledge about how the body works and what to do to optimize the body's energy balance. One thing you can do is use a BMR Calculator to evaluate your body's basic caloric need. A Basal Metabolic Rate Calculator (BMR Calculator) uses information you provide to determine how many calories you would need to maintain your current weight even if you did nothing all day. The second tool is knowledge about your BMI (Body Mass Index). Using a BMI Calculator, you can determine the fat to lean ratio that makes up your body. Standard BMI Calculators can help you to determine whether you are underweight, at a healthy weight for your height, if you are overweight, or if you are obese. The knowledge you can gain from using these two important tools is enough to get you started down the path of healthy weight loss.
It is important to feed your body properly while losing weight. When you decrease the amount of calories that you are taking in, it is essential to use high quality nutritional supplements to ensure that your body's vitamin and mineral needs are met. If the body is not receiving quality nutrition, it will fight to retain fat - again, that tricky DNA comes into play. Centuries of struggle to find adequate nutrition have programmed our genetic codes to be thrifty and store fat. Taking a quality supplement along with plenty of water can help to speed weight loss and restore balance to your body.
Healthy exercise is also important for weight loss. Remember that if you have not exercised in a long time, you should start out slowly and work your way up to a more active lifestyle. A high quality weight loss supplement can help you with exercise as well, giving you more stamina and helping your body's cells to convert more easily. Fat cells will shrink rapidly and muscle cells will show increased growth as long as they are fed properly - cells need micronutrients to operate efficiently. So, remember that a body is a sum of parts and DNA is ultimately the key. Until the mysteries are solved, a BMR Calculator, knowledge about your BMI, and a healthy diet and exercise plan paired with supportive supplementation remain the best tools for healthy weight loss.
Dr. Okwuje isn't your average medical practitioner. As an athlete and trainer for many years, he has personal experience in the field of health and personal fitness. His areas of interest are DNA health and disease prevention, maintenance of good health, anti-aging and healthy weight loss.
Visit Dr. O's healthblog: your source for the latest information on important topics and helpful hints/tips concerning health, weight loss and fitness! "Lose Weight, Feel Better, Live Longer - When you lose weight, you shouldn't have to compromise your health in the process".

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