Tip 1. Start by making your eating area blue. Go to most restaurants and you will see that their dining rooms have colors like red, yellow and orange. This is because studies by some of the biggest restaurant groups found that those are the colors that encourage eating. The color blue actually acts as an appetite suppressant. By painting your dining room blue or at least using blue dishes, napkins, place mats, etc. you will be reducing away your desire to eat as much. You should try to eat all of your meals under these conditions initially so that you will begin to get used to eating less. This will lead to weight loss without the pills or dietiing.
Tip 2. This will seem a bit harsh, but if you are worried about image, try eating your meals in front of a mirror. Studies show that having to look yourself in the eye will reflect back some of your own inner standards and goals, and remind you of your reason for wanting to lose weight in the first place. Now the harsh part, some will be a bit put off by the sight of themselves eating and simply want to stop. This can change with the types of foods you are eating. If you are eating a well balanced meal or a salad, you may feel pretty good about seeing yourself eat. If your sitting watching yourself down a whole pizza, you may decide to stop after one slice.
Tip 3. A lot of people write down what they eat throughout the day. This can be helpful until you find yourself in a hurry or without a pen or whatever other excuse you can come up with. Instead of writing it down, take a picture of the food that you eat throughout the day just before you begin eating. It doesn't have to be any sort of professional photo shoot, just use the camera on your phone. Take this picture after you have added your condiments. At the end of the day review what you have eaten. This will definitely make you think twice about that extra gravy, heavy dressing, or additional bacon.
Tip 4. Use your nose. Dr Alan R. Hirsch of the Smell & Taste Treatment and Research Foundation in Chicago, found that when people frequently sniffed their food, the less hungry they were and the more weight they lost - an average of 30 lb each. A theory that has been kicked around is that sniffing the food makes the brain think you're actually eating it. Try using an apple, banana or peppermint as these seem to be the most effective.
Tip 5. A suggestion from fitness guru Valerie Orsoni's "Le Petit Secret" is to do what French women do to keep themselves from eating too much: "A number of French women wear a ribbon around their waist and underneath their clothes when they go out for dinner. It keeps them conscious of the tummy-particularly if the ribbon starts to feel tighter as the evening goes on!" Start your day this way and every time you eat something you will feel the tightening and be reminded to stop eating.
Try some, or all of these methods and see the results you have. If these methods work for you we would love to hear about your success. Leave a comment or Contact Us so that we can share your accomplishments with all of the readers. Good Luck to you.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Leonard_Pearson
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