Lose Weight With Gum

Apparently there is a proper way to use your chewing gum habit, and if you do it right by combining it with an exercise and diet program, you will see dramatic results on your body. Nevertheless, although it sounds an easy issue to add gum and boost your weight loss, it isn't that easy without planning, and there are some rules you have to apply.

· First of all you have to chew sugar-free gum, and although you would think the amount of sugar contained in a stick of gum can't be all that much, it soon mounts up with casual chews. It also contains less than half the calories than regular gum.

· Keep a pack of gum on top of your cookie jar or just inside the drawer where the rock candy is kept, or on top of that box of chocolates in the fridge. Put a pack on your car dashboard, providing it's not in the sun and under your sitting room coffee table where you watch television.

· Make sure you chew some gum before a meal to curb your appetite and an hour afterwards to keep you away from snacking. Chew each strip for around 30 minutes to an hour. The sugar free variety of chewing gum only has about 5 calories and the action of chewing burns off about 11 calories and hour, so you are burning off all the calories you are consuming from the gum.

There is one word of caution to be observed here and that is sugar free gum without the sweet flavor taste would taste like wet plastic. To make it taste good and sweet the manufacturers imbed Sorbitol, which can be a potent laxative, so don't overdo the chewing to the level of insanity where you are errantly looking for a bathroom.

The object is to make the gum last as long as possible and if you've heard that old song about putting your chewing gum on the bed post overnight, consider doing something similar. Perhaps not on the bedpost but in a clean egg-cup with a saucer on top.

Also the more serious minded will realize that chewing a few strips of gum every day will not, on its own, make you slimmer, and although the contestants on the biggest loser use this method regularly to control hunger and food craving, it takes a calorie controlled diet and regular exercise within a planned program to be successful.

Hello I'm Sheila,

Getting in shape can be a problem for you, with or without chewing gum; however, I may be able to help you to get you started on your weight loss program. I have a free ebook for you called 'The New Year Diet Resolution' and it doesn't have to be new year to make a resolution to lose weight. Download it here.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Sheila_Griffin

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