The Foods That Cause Stomach Fat

Ever desired to have that perfectly toned body, the ability to fit into those jeans or that elegant dress and no matter how many times you try to lose fat, it is to no avail?

Well it's not your fault as many weight control strategies advocate ineffective ways of losing fat and many tirelessly follow these programs. Lots of money has been spent and wasted on "miracle supplements" and products on the market that promise weight loss.

With the wealth of information around today on various diets, weight loss and exercise programs, it is no wonder that it is difficult to select the right one to suit your lifestyle. When faced with the words "diet" and "exercise", starvation and exhaustion often springs to mind, which can be immediately off-putting. The ingredients of many diets, consist of calorie counting, eating less and doing more and waiting long see little or no results. This can be frustrating to someone who is desperately wanting to shed those pounds and see results immediately.

Don't worry, there is a glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel. Extensive research has been carried out, seeking ways to initiate ab fat burning without you having to go through the strenuous efforts of trying to work out how its done. No more will you have to engage in regimes or routines that have been a prerequisite required in the hope of losing weight. "The Diet Solution Program" is an alternative solution to a diet. If offers a system of working with your body allowing it to work for you, enabling you to enjoy freedom, food and life whilst you melt stomach fat and this is a proven method that actually works.

In this program you are going to learn how to burn off 10% of your unwanted weight in body fat in the next 30 days, and continue to burn it off consistently until you have the body you want. You will be taught three key fat burning principles showing you the food to lose stomach fat, the foods to avoid and the foods to combine to get the fat burning effect. Following these techniques you will lose between 3-10 pounds of fat within the first week and witness consistent, continued weight loss after that.

Contrary to the information about diet foods you have received and implemented in your weight loss strategy so far, much of it is incorrect, which is the reason why it has been almost impossible for you to lose fat permanently. Through this program you will gain an understanding as to how your body work and what foods to avoid. You will learn about sugar and why it is the primary biggest cause for weight gain fat storage. You will learn how to identify it in every day food and when it is disguised in so-called healthy diet food.

For instance you may have been taught to believe that by eating certain health foods, you will most definitely lose weight. Foods like whole grain, whole wheat bread, whole wheat pasta's, cereals and low-fat salad dressings are only some of the foods you should avoid at all costs. This is because these types of foods contain sugar and sugar is one of the key ingredients to fat storage. When your sugar intake is high this causes your blood sugar level to increase, which can be dangerous when it is in the 100 - 120 zone for a consistent period of time. In order to prevent this, your body releases the hormone insulin to lower your blood sugar level, which leads to constant hunger cravings and fatigue. This keeps you in a vicious circle as you then crave for those same foods your body should be avoiding, which causes you to store fat.

Processed foods should also be avoided as they contain high levels of sugar and harmful chemicals. Microwave diners, packaged foods and foods that contain, hydrogenated fats, artificial sweeteners, high fructose and soy are some examples. The harmful chemicals present in these foods affect your liver and causes the fat break down process to be inefficient, which is another reason why fat is stored.

You may be surprised to learn that the foods you may have been taught to avoid, those high in saturated fats, on the contrary, speed up the fat burning process. Real butter instead of synthetic substitutes, eggs, coconut oil, avocado, nuts and olive oil are some examples. These foods accelerated your metabolism and causes stubborn body fat to burn at a faster rate. Also the myth associated with carbs needs to be clarified, as not all carbs are responsible for weight gain. Knowing the right carbs to eat, will increase your chances of losing fat permanently. We have established the fact that whole wheat bread is a definite no-no, so what bread can you have. Well there are alternatives to whole wheat such as, breads made from spelt, sprouted grain and rice, only these are not only high in nutrients, they also help you to lose weight. Grains such as millet and quinoa are also carbs that provide you with the energy you need and taste great. You could use seasoned delicious sweet potatoes with real butter as an alternative to regular potatoes.

You no longer have to starve yourself, or count calories, The Diet Solution Program will guide you into how to avoid counting calories by replacing the harmful fat storing foods with scrumptious foods you can eat all day.

There is no reason for concern as this is not a crash diet, sales pitch for weight loss pills or one of those diet scams. This is a proven successful method of how to use healthy food to lose belly fat and is something you can do also.

This is an educational All Natural Diet and Nutrition Program, which teaches you the truth about certain foods and methods of how you can eat to lose belly fat. For decades we have been misguided into thinking that particular foods helps us lose fat, in this program the secret foods that cause stomach fat will be revealed. In a step by step guide you will be pointed to the most effective healthy food to lose belly fat.

A little knowledge coupled with the right frame of mind can make a major transformation in your life!

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