Weight Loss Foods: 8 Hunger Fighting Snacks

Snacking helps control hunger and keeps meal time portion sizes reasonable. There are many hunger fighting snacks available at your local grocery store. Just remember that a snack should be fairly nutritious, not have more than 200 calories and make you feel full. Here are eight great, healthy, tummy filling options.

1) Kashi Chewy Granola Bars: These are the chewiest bars around. They are made from real grains and whole nuts, making them packed full of fiber and protein. All this, and they taste good too. They give you both, chewy and sweet in a convenient little bar.

2) Frozen Peas and Corn Frozen Vegetables: Not only do they taste better than the canned variety, but they keep their naturally sweet flavors better too. They are a quick snack that will make you feel like you are eating something substantial; because they are firm but melt in your mouth.

3) Fage Total Yogurt, Fage Total Greek Yogurt: This yogurt skips all the sugar and bland texture of other yogurts. Instead, you are given a fluffy texture; created through the straining process used to make it. There is a great deal of research that supports the theory that calcium rich diary foods, like yogurt, helps with weight loss.

4) An Apple: Three apples a day keeps the fat away? A study done on Brazil in 2003 showed that people who consumed three apples a day were able to keep weight off; some even lost weight. When you eat more fruits and vegetables, you are consuming more filling foods, while consuming fewer calories.

5) Quaker Express Oatmeal Oatmeal: It is a better hunger attacker then dry cereal. Plus, it usually has fewer calories (depending on how you make it) and more fiber. Quaker Express Oatmeal is great for those who are on the go because it comes in a prepackaged bowl. It is all ready, just add water and microwave.

6) Frozen Juice Bars: They will satisfy your sweet tooth and make you feel like you are treating yourself. The benefits of these are crucial vitamins, fewer calories and, most importantly, hydration. If you are properly hydrated you will not get hungry as frequently.

7) Licorice: Skip the Twizzlers type of licorice and get the real kind! You want the type that contains licorice extract at the top part of the ingredient list. It has an important hunger fighting ingredient called glycyrrhetinic acid that has been proven to reduce body fat. Just a handful will keep your mouth chewing on something low in calories and high in taste. Best of all, most are fat free.

8) Sugar Free Gum: While gum may not really be considered a snack by some, it is a great way to judge if you are truly hungry. Whether you are bored or need something to keep your mouth busy, sugar free gum is always a great option. Plus, by simply chewing a piece of gum for an hour you can burn as much as 11 calories. This may not seem like a lot, not only do you burn those calories, but more importantly, you avoid consuming even more.

Rick works at C.R.I.S. Camera Services, a Phoenix camera repair facility. Rick enjoys photography and writing, especially for the company's blog that specializes in digital camera repairs. Creativity is something Rick is always interested in finding more of.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Rick_Valence

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